Register / Registrar

Noble Silence Retreat

July 10 - 15, 2025
- con Drupon Lama Dorje

Retreat Guru is the online booking agent for Casa Werma.
Book now and get $50.00 off listed prices. Offer valid until Mar 31, 2025.
* These fields are required

1 Tuition / Inscripción

Tuition / Inscripción
Add extra nights: nights before and nights after

Select an option*

  • More Photos
    Sold Out

    Off-site Estancia de la Era King Suite

    Estancia de la Era is a lovely inn only half a block away that gives our guests a special nightly rate when...

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    Sold Out

    Leoncita (Full size bed)

    We have the cozy Leoncita bedroom with a matrimonial/full-size bed tucked behind the kitchen with access to a semi-public bathroom in the corridor...

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    Sold Out

    Camping in the Garden

    Puedes acampar en el jardin de Casa Werma.  Te pedimos traer tu propia tienda y bolsa de dormir. Podemos prestarte...

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    Sold Out

    Off-site Estancia De La Era Queen Size

    Estancia de la Era is a lovely inn only half a block away that gives our guests a special nightly rate when...

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    Sold Out

    Off-site Estancia de la Era - King Size

    Estancia de la Era is a lovely inn only half a block away that gives our guests a special nightly rate when...

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    Sold Out


    Select this option if you do not require lodging (you have your own home or have made other accommodation arrangements).


2 People in your group

Guest 1
Nombre / First Name*
Apellido / Last Name*
Genero / Gender*
Guest 1
Nombre / First Name*
Apellido / Last Name*
Genero / Gender*
After completing this form, emails will be sent to everyone in your group to complete their information.

3 Optional Items / Artículos opcionales

Optional Items / Artículos opcionales
Select quantity

4 Participant Info / Los datos de participante

Participant Info / Los datos de participante
Si quieres recibir información sobre nuestros retiros en el futuro / To find out about future offerings at Casa Werma, we encourage you to sign up for our newsletter.
We use this information to offset the environmental impacts of your travel. Even if you haven't booked your flights yet, please let us know which airport will you be flying out of to begin your journey.
Please add the fee under "Optional Items" either one-way or two-way ground transportation. You can edit this information at a later date if your travel arrangements change.
Please enter your flight arrival and departure information so we can ensure your safe travel to and from Casa Werma. If you have not booked your flight yet, you can update us at a later time.
Por favor indique el tipo de dieta que prefiere comer durante todo el programa.  / Please understand that you are asked to commit to eating according to the diet you indicate here for the entirety of the program.
Por favor indique las ALERGIAS DE ALIMENTOS u otras dudas. / Please include any FOOD ALLERGIES or other concerns.
Please click here to read the terms and conditions

5 Payment / Pago

Payment / Pago
You will be asked for payment details in the next step. Click the button below to continue.
Retreat Guru is the online booking agent for Casa Werma.
Secure payments via Stripe - 3D Secure
Charges will appear on your bill as "RG* CasaWerma"
By submitting payment, you authorise Casa Werma to send instructions to the financial institution that issued your card to take payments from your card account in accordance with the terms of Casa Werma's agreement with you.