Private Group Retreat - Entire Property

Flexible Dates

Availability / Disponibilidad Dates are completely flexible according to your time frame and availability of Casa Werma and the Directors.  Las fechas son flexibles por la disponibilidad suya y de Casa Werma y los Directores.

Blackout Dates / Fechas de Suspención: Semana Santa (Holy Week before Easter), Night of the Dead, and the week before and after Christmas are blackout days. Unas fechas no son disponibles ni Semana Santa, ni Muertos, ni Navidad.

If you're interested in booking a private group retreat please contact for more information including pricing.

Please come enjoy the sacred garden oasis in Casa Werma where the basic goodness of human activity and society meets the tranquility of a garden-based retreat.

Private, self-organized group retreat gives you the opportunity to settle into meditation practice and contemplation free from the distractions of daily life, and in doing so, deepen your experience of progress on the path.

The schedule you follow on retreat will be determined by your group. Generally, one does six to eight or more hours of meditation and study over three or four sessions a day, leaving time for meals, exercise, bathing, rest, and sleep.

A minimum group retreat length of one week is recommended.

Retreat at Casa Werma can include:

  • Stroke practice at the table where the Dorje Dradul composed the Werma Sadhana
  • Lush drala gardens
  • A visit to the nearby archeological site, Tzintzuntzan (“the place of the hummingbird”)
    • the ruins where both Sakyongs have performed lhasangs
    • a courtyard filled with “the oldest olive trees in the New World”
  • Local artisans in pottery, ceramics, wood-carving, embroidery, and reed-weaving.

Food is not included in this rate. Catering for your event is available for an extra charge. Both of our facilities La Casa Grande and La Casita have kitchens available for making your own meals.

If you’re interested in booking a private group retreat please contact for more information including pricing.

About accommodations, the entire property can accommodate up to 5 people in La Casita in single beds and up to 6 people in Casa Grande (if beds are used for two people).

  • In the Casa Grande:
    • Agave Suite with one king-size bed, personal fireplace, and private bathroom with tub shower
    • Colibri Suite with one king-size bed (or two individual beds) and private bathroom with shower
    • Cozy Leoncita behind the kitchen with one matrimonial bed and use of semi-public bathroom with shower in the hallway
  • La Casita is an open studio-style space with one queen bed and 3-4 individual beds all sharing one bathroom with a shower.
  • There may also be the possibility of some attendees camping in the garden in their own tent or staying off-site for an additional nightly charge.

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