Private Personal Solo Retreat

Flexible Dates

Availability / Disponibilidad Dates are completely flexible according to your time frame and availability of Casa Werma and the Directors.  Las fechas son flexibles por la disponibilidad suya y de Casa Werma y los Directores.

Blackout Dates / Fechas de Suspención: Semana Santa (Holy Week before Easter), Night of the Dead, and the week before and after Christmas are blackout days. Unas fechas no son disponibles ni Semana Santa, ni Muertos, ni Navidad.

Please come enjoy the sacred garden oasis in Casa Werma where the basic goodness of human activity and society meets the tranquility of a garden-based retreat.

Private, personal retreat gives you the opportunity to settle into meditation practice and contemplation free from the distractions of daily life, and in doing so, deepen your experience of progress on the path.

The schedule you follow on retreat will be determined by you and your teacher or meditation advisor. Generally, one does six to eight or more hours of meditation and study over three or four sessions a day, leaving time for meals, exercise, bathing, rest, and sleep.

Since personal retreat is not an entry-level endeavor, we recommend that practitioners complete a group meditation retreat of at least one week, maintain a regular meditation practice for at least one year, and have a strong personal connection with a spiritual teacher or community.

Recommendation of a spiritual teacher or meditation advisor is required for those embarking on their first solitary retreat. No drugs or alcohol allowed.

  • The minimum retreat length is four nights, although a minimum of one week is recommended.
  • Resident Directors can provide support in the form of meditation advice and are available for emergencies.
  • Strict closed solitary retreats are not possible at Casa Werma.

Food is not included in the Private Personal Solo Retreat; however, we do have a kitchen available for making your own meals. 

If you’re interested in booking a private retreat please contact for more information including pricing.


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