Ernest Padilla

Ernest Padilla was born in Las Cruces, New Mexico.  His parents were migrant farm workers, and, as one of seven children, he also did his share of picking cotton, grapes, prunes, etc. in Tulare, CA growing up.

He received his doctorate degree from the University of California, San Diego in English and American Literature and has taught literature, composition and mathematics at several universities and colleges throughout his 40 year career.

Dr. Padilla has published poems and stories here and there and is also the publisher-editor of Lalo Press which has published mostly books of poetry by Mexican American women.  Lalo Press has launched and helped to advance the careers of many incredible poets and writers, most notably Michele Serros, Chicana Falsa and other stories of Death, Identity and Oxnard, Carmen Tafolla, San Antonio Inaugural Poet Laureate,  Sonnets to Human Beings and Juan Felipe Herrera, First Mexican-American Poet Laureate of the United States, Exiles of Desire.